In honor of heroic mothers of challenging kids. . .
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Moms Who Are Our Heroes
challenging children isn't for the faint-of-heart
Editorial Director
Child Mind Institute
We hear a lot about hero moms, from
political candidates telling their life stories on the stump to Academy Award
winners pouring out tearful thanks. These stories are usually about mothers who
raised successful children in extreme situations—their husbands had died, they
worked in low-paying jobs (or several low-paying jobs), they lived in dangerous
neighborhoods. Yet they managed to create loving, structured homes where their
kids learned the values and discipline it takes to excel.
We'd like to salute some less-heralded moms who are just
as devoted, tireless, and, when necessary, steely: mothers of children with
psychiatric and learning disorders. Professionals who work with children note
that most kids can thrive with parenting that's just okay; for kids with
challenging disorders, it takes super-parenting to help them flourish. Not that
we don't think dads are important, but in most of these families it's the
mother who does the heavy lifting. And many of them do it with heroic focus,
persistence, and selflessness.
For starters, moms are, more often than not, the first to detect that something
unusual is going on with a child. Whether a stay-at-home mom or a working mom,
they tend to be the most tuned into a child's development and the nuances of
his behavior, and to sense when something isn't right. They're the ones most
likely to question the pediatrician or the teacher, and to be unconvinced when
grandparents and friends dismiss problems with "it's just a stage,"
or "he'll grow out of it."
When it comes to diagnosis, moms are often the ones who won't take the first
answer they get, if it doesn't really fit what they know, or isn't working for
the child. They're the ones who do exhaustive research, searching for an
explanation for a child's complex symptoms and not giving up even when other
people who care for the child—teachers, or doctors, or even spouses—don't share
their sense of urgency.
While mothers of typical children may have to push them to excel in school,
these moms have to push institutions—insurance companies, the medical
establishment, school districts—to provide their kids with the help they need.
Getting a child with a psychiatric or learning disorder into a good school can
be tougher than getting a kid into Harvard. These moms hire lawyers and
navigate harrowing bureaucracies. They become advocates for their kids and
networkers with other moms. They write blogs and launch organizations. In the
process, they are sometimes transformed. A very forceful and articulate mom we
know told us the other day that until she found herself struggling to raise a
child with Asperger's she was actually quite shy. We found it hard to imagine.
And then there's the time-consuming, taxing, frustrating, day-to-day effort so
many of these moms expend to get challenging children into their clothes in the
morning and onto the school bus, to get them to eat, to manage tantrums and
other disruptive behavior, to get them to doctor's visits and therapy
appointments, and to find play dates that won't be a disaster for them. It
takes not only tirelessness but toughness. A mom who recently went through
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy to learn to manage a 6-year-old with
disruptive behavior told me that before the training she had a hard time
setting clear limits. She worked, and, like so many of us, when she was home
she wanted her time with her son to be fun. She was reluctant to set clear
expectations for him, and follow through consistently if he didn't comply. Not
any more, and her son is doing wonderfully.