Receiving Feedback
When feedback of your creative work feels like a sharp knife of criticism slicing your skin, it's time to get a band-aid. Take a step back, breath deeply, and literally imagine you're wearing a protective bandage. If anything gets through, it will feel muffled. The feedback becomes a smaller ping, not scorching pain. Remember, the person giving the feedback thought they were being helpful. They took enough interest in you or your work to comment on it -- which is a compliment in itself. Next, consider the source. Is this feedback you want to incorporate into your work? Is there a compromise you can make? If it helps you make your vision clearer to others, then by all means use it in some way, shape or form. But make sure you're not straying from your original reason for creating this work. Come back to the feedback in a day or two before you make your final decision or attempt any changes or revisions.
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